
Tuesday 7 August 2012


The reason I chose to start from Kyushu and end the trip in Tokyo was clear: We would get used to jet lag in a calm environment and get my brother to get used to Japan little by little, with non-demanding plans everyday, and chilling in the country side, then gradually, while visiting touristic places, get to busier cities and party a bit. I am quite happy with how things ended up in the end, because everything went according to plans. 

When we arrived in Tokyo, we had seem plenty of nice temples and traditional places, so we could enjoy some busy city time with people I had planned on meeting. Ine of those person was Tomoko, the niece of my former japanese teacher, and a great friend whom I hadn't seen in a while. She got married and had a baby girl between the last time I had seen her and now, so we obviously would not get to party with her, and they were quite busy with other stuff at the time, but I got to visit her new place a bit <3.

Then I went to meet Yutaka, my best friend's good friend that had lived in Montreal a while, and moved back to Japan just before I got to university. I got to realize how much good time I had missed, had I been in Montreal before. I got, however, new good friends in Japan, that will only make my next trips to Japan more enjoyable.

We mostly ate good food, went drinking and Karaoke, and it was a short notice, but I really enjoyed that and wish I had had more time to see all of them. Sadly, Yutaka will move out of Japan with his wife (newly wed from a week before we got to Japan <3 ) so I might not get to see them much if at all T.T

In Tokyo I brought my brother to Akihabara - I mean, obviously we needed to go there :) - and we got to a Maid Cafe called @homecafe and had a nice meal there and took pictures with our maid waitress (I will try to scan them, they were instant photo). Unfortunately, we cannot, for obvious reasons, take pictures inside the place, so I could not even take a picture of my meal, which made me quite sad. Next time I go, I'll ask if I can get my picture with the maid taken with my food (they make us pay to take pictures with them, so maybe the only way I can get my food in picture is to have them include it in the picture)... anyways. That was quite intense... given the fact that the day we went was exactly one year after the huge earthquake, and we had a complete minute of silence in a maid coffee... what a place to think about sad things.... XD

Since I could not take pictures of my food in the Maid Coffee Shop, I took a picture of the display of another one. The food is so cute >.< 

Second dinner with Yutaka and friends after the Akihabara afternoon with my brother, ate awesome food, that we'd order from a computer beside us. Makes the bill separation complicated, but the service is very quick.

Newly Wed <3

I remember my brother got quite drunk that evening, with too much scotch and beer, and he was all happy and high on the way back, when we went to catch the last metro. We walked by a bakery wearing his name and made his pose in from of it. While he was happy we took interest in drunk-him long enough to take pictures, he never actually realized why we made him stand there... awww

Atsushi and my brother trying to own it...

My stay in Tokyo was awesome, and most of it got possible thanks to Miyako's long-time friend Mamiko who lent us a room to stay at near Ju-jou station, near downtown Tokyo, so we did not have to worry about paying hotel fees. She got a day off - students in her class were almost all absent from school because of influenza so she got off - and stayed with us on our last day and we went girl shopping (my brother went to have a quiet drink somewhere in Shinjuku after getting a haircut meanwhile).


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