
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Halloween 2014 at Fortis

So I wore a Hanbok on Chuseok at my school and was the only one wearing it. But for Halloween they went all out with candy and costumes and prizes for costumes. I had already spent money for my Hanbok so it was not in my plans to dress up wearing anything new. I needed to find somethings to make my costume with at home. Then I thought of the countless costumes I could make with everything I had back in Canada, including my short bob wig and mourned my lack of raw material. 

Then I looked at my bookshelf. And saw my dolls, wearing old style classic little girl dresses... And then I just decided on getting a petticoat to wear under a dress I had made before to be one of those dolls. Nothing in particular, just a country girl. And it did the trick alright for what I needed it for.

I expected to see Elsa and Anna. I was not surprised by that. What surprised me was that where were only one of each. Everyone had a different costume. Then, thinking about it, I realized that those moms all talk to each other, of course they wouldn't have made their kids wear costumes that were the same, so people would compare.

My favorite was my favorite kid's dress. Cuteness overload of Snow White. The bottom part of the dress was so much like Belle's dress I had a feeling they mixd two dresses. But I think it must be the prettiest Show White dress I've seen. Who said Snow White's dress had to be thin and straight. It's still a princess dress. 

And there was mister popular, AKA Aiden Kim. Or Minsung Kim (because his Korean name is the same as our Nexen player :P). 

We went to an English Village around Anyang and got the kids completely freaked out with the haunted walk around the school, food and trick-or-treating at the end. The say was good but honestly tiring. I had to come early for the outing with the kids, but still finished as late as my coming-in-late schedule. 

I'll end this quick blog entry with a few pics of my favorites that were taken there.

Belle, love this kid's name, even though it it like...... really not an English name... has a weird mom. I mean, she has a normal mom, in a country where moms are crazy. Her mom does not care about being compared to other kids and does not care about what other moms think. She forgot to dress her kid for halloween and she showed up with nothing on Halloween Day. So we looked for a costume in the boxes at school and dressed her up as a vampire. She was actually the coolest costume. I mean, she is already such a gorgeous looking child anything would look nice on her, but this just makes her look amazing.

Andrew. This kid is a pain to teach. He's such a little snot. But I love him as a kid. If I were not his teacher he'd be one of my favorites.

Yvonne. Because I just love Yvonne :)))


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