
Sunday 5 January 2014

20Ks! Thank you!

Thank you everyone <3

I don't know how much of you just got here by mistake or oh many of you are really following this blog, but I've passed the 20K visits a month ago. Now going up to 21K already before I even got to say thank you!!!! 

Here is the finished product I mentioned in my last blog entry: Anne of Green Gables. I don't want to send it to Canada even though it's a gift for my mommy tho.... because Post Canada is not really trustworthy. Especially lately, thanks to our crap of a country leaders... Can't wait for the next elections and I'll vote from here if I have. A.B.C. for the win?

But I don't want this blog to be political... so here we are... I'll go back to my own boring routine :)

New Year Resolutions

I do not recall ever taking New Year resolutions ever. 

I have always snickered at people who took health resolutions. Not because it's a stupid idea in itself. 

I'd say it's more because, if your only motivation for getting back in shape is the start of a brand New Year, it will probably not last a week. Ant that's a shame, because the idea of getting in shape, is a great idea in itself.

Well this year, my friend from Taiwan challenged me to train together (well together as in as together as training can sum up to when you're 2 hours plane ride apart), with the premise that we can both laugh at each other when we fail to do reasonable efforts everyday.

I: Exercise with me.
Me: Exercise? What exercise?
I: Just exercise.
   Like we go work out and see who loses more weight.
   And write down what you did and ate.
   And I can laugh at you when your exercise is just walking 20 minutes.

And that's how it started. Now I also have the bad side-effect of my trip to Taiwan: no money to spend on food, or anything else actually. That clashes with me need to actually fill my fridge for once, in order to stop eating Oreo boxes every night, and random sweets that I stack up in my apartment when I get a craving for anything worth chewing.

Why not?

I honestly don't know how long I'll keep doing it, however, because my will for anything annoying and tiring usually does not last long. As soon as I stop or slack off a LITTLE, I just stop. Completely. And then it's hard to actually get back to doing anything.

So let's snicker at myself and see how long it'll last.


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