
Saturday 5 October 2013

Café BuBus

Dongtan Coffee Shop Review! 

(yup. If you sick of coffee shop reviews skip this one and wait, there's a lot coming up: Suwon exploration, Korean Folk Village, Dongtan Overview, etc.)

Cafe BuBus was a coffee shop I'd gone the first time with a friend of a friend I helped out with her English, and had always wanted to try one more time on my own. Never happened. A coworker tried it out before I did though and told me it was worth it, so here I went...

The coffee shop itself, without having even tried anything they sell, it an adorable looking store with both a warmth and a chilly feeling to it (maybe the mix of red and blue?) It's got this cliché I-want-to-look-like-a-French-Café-but-I've-never-been-so-I'll-just-put all-the-cliché-in-one room-together. 
Nevertheless, the result is very cute. The building has (like a lot of the coffee shops around that area) two entrances, each of them on a different street, so the store is quite big. I mentioned before that coffee shops in Dongtan seem to be much bigger than the ones we can find in other cities I've been to in Korea. Might be because the rent is cheaper here? 

Front of the Café
Back table

The design of the place is a mixture of a fruit market and a tailor - big shelves with baskets of both fake and real fruits, and reels of thread, scissors and needles put up for decoration. 

I sort of like the mix, although I have no clue why they would have thought of mixing those two styles. The main entrance has a terrasse and a bunch of nicely set tables, just like a normal coffee/restaurant, and a big shelf of fruits cuts the back part of the Café apart so you can choose to sit at the back on a big, higher table with high stools and a power socket. Café BuBus also has it own toilet +++

A lot of coffee shops have found a solution to the never-ending task of filling
client's water cups: Self-Service counters! When there is enough space in a café
it's a solution as good as another. As long as the way from one's table to the self
service corner is not strenuous (like in a tiny coffee shop) I quite like the idea... 
 Café BuBus has good coffee. Like most of the coffee shops I've tried (any coffee shop that isn't a chain usually is quite good. Chain coffee usually is too sweet or too bitter, as if, by being a chain, the quality didn't matter anymore. The price is not cheaper in a chain either in most cases. There is only one chain coffee shop I've tried, that has good coffee, and it's NOT Starbucks, it's Café Pascucci) so it's not because of the coffee that I love that place.

Café BuBus has sandwiches. Most coffee shops I've been to mainly serve home made waffles, toasts and ice cream. Sounds amazing right? Yah, but sometimes you don't always feel like stuffing your stomach with an incredible amount of sweet carby foods. At Café BuBus, you can fill your stomach with an incredible amount of cheese and crispy bread :) Isn't it amazing? Can't wait to get fat  on this. No, for real, their sandwiches are made using legit crispy panini bread. They had two types, a Camembert honey almonds and a tomato cheddar one, both served with pickles and a little salad.

Lastly, Café BuBus has fresh fruit juice. They offer a big range of fresh grapes, tomatoes, strawberries, oranges and grapefruits juice. The only thing I didn't like was that they seem to add sugar to the grapefruit juice and I like it bitter. I'll just ask them not to put any next time :)


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