
Thursday 18 August 2011

Third day of Work at Bistro Jezz!

I've always liked to clean up. I like when a place sparkles of cleanliness and I like to relax with a tea when I'm done, and look around how perfect the cleaning is done. Let's call it my one little guilty pleasure. I could probably compare that to my parent's love for gardening: they like to make a garden the exact way they feel like having it, they do it with lots of care. As for me, I can't clean well when there are people around. It annoys me, and I mostly just do superficial clean-up when I have to clean with people around. Silly? Maybe.
Well fact is that in my apartment there was no problem: there were tons of times I could be alone on my own and do my things. Here however, at my parents', I used to clean when my parents are at work, but then, they always come back for lunch and in the evening, so the fact I cannot finish properly before they get back sorts of restrains me... sad sad sad. And now my mommy is on her vacation leave so she is home all the time.


Now they went to Sherbrooke to see family! So I took the time to do the basement <3 My brother's den, if we may call it. Result: a clean floor and 142 beer bottle less hanging around the room. The difference is stunning. I actually only did a superficial cleaning there, because I don't really go but you know, it's still quite shiny <3. 

How to bring 142 beer bottle on my own, without a car, without a liscence without anything????? I put everything in a wheelbarrow. It's probably an understatement that people made fun of me, but then again, I laughed too. It was quite funny to do. In any case, it was much better than the other options I had: do 16 times the way back and forth to bring them in bags or try to fill tons of bags and carry them on my back, which would probably have hurt a lot.

What I noticed today is that since I have a job I feel like doing more things. I think humans are made to have an occupation. I mean, today I did the gardening for my parents who left for the weekend, went to work, cleaned the place, watched a movie, talked on the phone, did a little computer, rode a 8km bicycle trail... Anyways, I quite like to work at Bistro Jezz  so I think this year will be sweet. I am going to register  for a certificate in my local University tomorrow morning with my sister, can't wait <3


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