
Saturday 7 June 2014

Stupid Friday

So last Friday we won a game 11/5.

Was a great evening. 

Close to 10pm but still early.

There weren't that many people of our cheering team that showed up that day because we hadn't done that well the previous game so I figured I'd not stick too late. The weekend was young, and I could always wake up early tomorrow and bike along the Anyangcheon before the Saturday game at Mokdong.

That was my first mistake.

Who the hell goes back home on a Friday when they should be out drinking?

I went back home. I had a lot on my mind because I had had had the dates for our summer vacation and had asked my boss if it was okay to have a week more - unpaid, obviously - because I want to go to Canada and a week is basically no time, because of the flight, the time difference and the ride back and forth from Montreal to my hometown. And she had seen my text and hadn't answered yet.

I was imagining all sort of scenarios where she'd be upset at me for some reason and would get angry at me so I was not really in a mood for drinking.  More in a mood for relaxing at home, maybe watch a Korean TV show or two.

I was home.

I only had to climb up a road to a big highway intersection,  cross the street and get home.

I got up to the street and then was happy, I wouldn't have to wait for my light: it had just turned green.

There was a van at the corner and I saw him see me. He was completely on the white crossing lines so I made eye contact before I got on my bike to cross, to make sure he was not turning right on the red light.

Second mistake.

He saw me there and thought I was waiting.

So he never looked at his blind spot and just turned right on me and got my bike - and I - trapped under his van. Never even realising he was dragging me across the asphalt,  he kept rolling. I was conpletely stuck under the side of the car and was dragged a good 10 meters before my bike was set free. The van had kept going painfully slowly, not to get hit from behind as it turned. And had dragged painfully slowly under.
He didn't hear me yell and cry. He did, however, see and hear a dozen of ajummas and ajusshis yelling and running after him so he finally stopped and came back to help.

So that's how on a Friday night, I got an ambulance ride with my Nexen jersey, and spent a lonely and painful time at the ER.
Right by my place.



That's why I am writing from my hospital bed with my phone. I have been stuck here for a full week now. And will need to stay another week. Nothing broken. I was lucky. But I have two open wounds on my left ankle that need to heal before I leave.


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