
Sunday 9 March 2014

FYinSK - Apr. 2013

April 2013

I went to a meeting of the organism that had had me placed in Sanbon, Adventure Teaching, and they were really sweet. They had already found me a new place to move to by that point and had introduced me to some teachers that were already working in the area. My recruiter kept telling me how amazed she was that I’d just move on without seeming too hurt by all that had happened. When bad things happen, usually you find than unbearable, by yourself, and then, in my case anyways, you move on, keep a bit of the fears you cumulated along with you, then look at what life has in it for you. There’s nothing more to do, really.

April went by quickly. I moved to Dongtan, to a private kindergarden called NGLOWkids that had just opened. They hired me in prevision of a to-be-opened-class, so the first month, my schedule was pretty free. I was only teaching English to 4 years old kids 6 times a week, while getting used to the surroundings, helping out cleaning the newly opened school and learning their curriculum. The principal was a young tall and handsome guy exuding well-being and confidence. It was the third school he had opened under the NGLOW branch. I liked that it was a new school, because I had no confidence in myself on any degree. I thought I was useless and incompetent.

On my very first week, I bought a cream bread at Paris Baguette. You know, not the ones that they make every day, the ones that are already wrapped individually? Well the cream in them tasted weird, but I did not want to waste it so I ate it anyways.

NEVER finish eating something when it tastes weird. Especially if it's a pastry.

I had to take two whole days off my first official working week, paying the price of my carelessness. While I might not have been so lucky for a lot of things in my life, health-wise, I have been pretty good so far. I had always seen stomach related diseases, illnesses and discomfort as stuff that others with weaker digestive systems were stuck with.

So Korea had me experience food poisoning for the first time. Ironically, not with Korean food, but with fake French food. So much for my French origins. I got paranoiac with food after that for a while, but I can proudly say that I now do not feel sick anymore as I look at a Paris Baguette store.

Starting at a new school was like starting a long journey, where we all start at the same point, and can only get better. It was good times and the kids were adorable. I love Korean 4 years old (Korean age 5).
We got wind that in April the NGLOW was going to buy the English school upstairs and get all their kids come down…

Tik Tok Tik Tok...

To be Continued...


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