
Saturday 12 April 2014

Fortis Collegiate - Mokdong

Fortis Collegiate.

I have been working there for already two weeks. Time really flies, and I really feel like I've not accomplished much. The fact that I have been REALLY sick all through since April 1st, does not help. Every night, I cough myself to sleep; every morning, I wake up coughing and half-way through the afternoon I usually get a daily let's-cough-our-lungs-out-for-15-minutes party in my throat. It's pretty bad. 

The first week I had no voice. Luckily, kids are amazing. They understand that sick people exist and wait patiently until my voice comes back. Students at Fortis are amazingly well-behaved. That is, if you compare them to the kids at NgLOW, who all had come from play schools and were to be moulded into schedule following beasts...

Teaching at Fortis is not straining so far. Being a more book-based school, the schedule is somewhat easier to foresee - if I compare it to NGLOW, that had a great monthly-based concept, but always got us the books late because they are still publishing them and they never get printed on time.

Kindie-time is much less part of my day than before, so I feel like I just get the best of both worlds. I see those babies in the mornings and end up my day with bunch of small classes of elementary to middle school kids in the afternoons and evenings, all kids who are bright and lovely. The book system is a bit confusing because they not only have Student Books, they have a Practice Book (sometimes two, one for Spelling and Grammar, and an ON one) and a Workbook. I think there were some mess up in the timing of some books because some kids are all up to date, some others are all over the place with all the books at different stage of completion. Anyways, so far I've been busy trying to understand how everything works, while getting all books up to date with their Student Book levels. In two weeks we'll have mid-terms so we'll need to prepare tests for each classes, and some new homework-only reading classes were added to the lot so it makes for lots of correction after school. 

All in all I am pretty busy.

But weird,

I am NOT stressed. 

The only stress in my life is my cold, that has not gone away for 12 days straight so far, even with the help of meds since I went to the hospital three times so far. 

Work has me busy, but I don't find it hard. I feel in a weird state now, as if there's something big and bad coming up, someone going to complain about me big time, because I'm doing everything wrong, because I feel like everything is right. 

This kind of situation only happened to me once before. It was in grade 10 or something, in trigonometry class, when I had this final test and I felt like I did everything right but just started doubting. And in the end I had 100% average for the whole semester. 

You know, when you do things right, but feel like you don't really should, cuz you're human and all, and you should make mistakes.

 Stupid elections went on in Quebec in the last 3 weeks, and while my party, QS, got 2 more candidates elected, the whole election felt like a messed up scam. Quebecers are depressingly old-style I'-not-voting-for-what-I-want-I'm-voting-against-what-I-don't-want. How can ANYONE think they can get what they want voting that way?

Anyways, to end my rambling, here is a picture I find kind of memorable, what's with me and all those sweet kids.


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